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The Comfy Client Cushion System is a 3 piece interlocking advanced foam system to support all your clients safely & comfortably during treatment. A great investment for you, your business and your clients. Fully adjustable to fit & support all size clients and genders. Approved by the NHS and used in hospitals and hospices. You can purchase your set here which should last around 10 years. You may need to replace the covers after a few years and they can also be purchased here. Do reach out if you require help with the interlocking procedures. Simply contact Carol May (the designer) directly.
The Comfy Client Cushion System is a 3 piece interlocking advanced foam system to support all your clients safely & comfortably during treatment. A great investment for you, your business and your clients. Fully adjustable to fit & support all size clients and genders. Approved by the NHS and used in hospitals and hospices. You can purchase your set here which should last around 10 years. You may need to replace the covers after a few years and they can also be purchased here. Do reach out if you require help with the interlocking procedures. Simply contact Carol May (the designer) directly. …
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